Nick Unis and his 3d printer

Building a Business Layer by (Thermoplastic) Layer

Using state-of-the-art technology, 尼克·尤尼斯(Nick Unis)以前的学生正在把自己创造和销售定制鞋的梦想变成现实.
By: Marissa Carney

有些人喜欢运动,有些人喜欢电影或书籍. For Nicholas Unis, it’s shoes. 高中时,他喜欢在网上买卖这些东西. 他还曾在Champs Sports工作,这是一家销售服装和运动鞋的零售店. 在那里,他有了一个想法,这个想法后来变成了一个令人兴奋的商业冒险.

“当人们来到香榭丽舍却找不到他们想要的东西时, I got the idea to fully customize a pair of shoes,” Unis explains. 他首先通过撕开鞋子来尝试定制鞋子, repainting them, changing the material, and then selling them.

高中毕业后,他进入了十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校,并决定继续深造 business这让他接触到了创业、会计、管理和市场营销. 他还参加了Pechter商业计划竞赛, 一个由四个阶段组成的项目,让学生从概念到可行性研究/市场分析,再到一个完整的商业计划.

In his freshman year, Unis presented a plan for UnisBrands LLC, a custom 3D printed footwear business. “That was a failure,” Unis chuckles. “It just wasn't as developed as it needed to be, 但评委们帮助我找到了我应该关注的地方.那一年,尤尼斯还从热门电视节目的两位评委那里得到了一些反馈, Shark Tank. 作为演讲者系列的一部分,两人来到阿尔图纳,并听取了尤尼斯的推介. “当时,我只有一双硬塑料鞋和一台粗糙的木制打印机. They liked the idea and gave me some very good input.”

带着建设性的批评和新的决心,Unis研究了如何最好地进行下去. The first step was finding a 3D printer. 大型的完全超出了他的价格范围, and while looking into lower scale ones, 他意识到他也许可以自己做一个. 在网上的帮助下,他收集了一些部件,去了一家制造商那里. 他们一起发明了尤尼斯目前使用的打印机.

下一步是设计一个没有错误的打印出来. Soon Unis had a working system in place. Now, using CAD software, 他设计了鞋子,并将其实现到一个程序中,该程序将3D设计分成数千层. From there, it makes a tool path for the printer. 它一层一层地建立模型,然后导出到SD卡并放入打印机. Unis说:“3D打印机本质上就是路线上的热熔胶枪. “The software decides the route it's going to take. The printer takes a spool of material—in this case, 热塑料,并推动这种材料通过电机. 它加热,融化材料,并逐层移动,直到完成.”

在他大二的秋天,尤尼斯再次尝试了佩希特的比赛. 这一次,带着要展示的产品和更完善的方案,unis被选为决赛选手. He was granted incubator space at the Sheetz Center for Entrepreneurial Excellence 详细描述他的商业理念、潜在市场和可能的竞争对手. 春天,他再次参赛并赢得了比赛, taking a $5,000 prize, 他仍在用这笔钱来开发和改进他的产品. Right now, Unis is taking a look at the manufacturing process, sole design, and how the prints and liners are applied to the shoe.

A website is up and running, 虽然游客目前只能随意摆弄颜色和图案, not place an order. 尤尼斯说:“我打算在12月左右在Kickstarter上发起预购活动. “That's how we'll take our first orders. Right now, I’m just working on a casual-wear shoe, 赏心悦目、舒适的东西. I eventually want to get into athletic wear.”

尤尼斯说,他对目前的业务状况感到满意, knowing that things take time, and perfection can’t be rushed. 他相信他的全定制产品有市场,并对品牌的发展感到兴奋, hoping to eventually rival Nike, Adidas, and Under Armour. 他梦想在匹兹堡有一个总部和一个工厂, with all materials made in the United States.

Until then, 尤尼斯将在大学公园完成他的学位,并继续开发他的定制鞋. He has applied to the Happy Valley LaunchBox FastTrack Accelerator program where, if accepted, he will have access to training, co-working space, mentorship, and professional consultation and research resources. 该项目的部分资金来自“发明十大网投平台信誉排行榜”倡议, launched by University President Eric Barron in 2015.

尤尼斯很感激他在阿尔图纳的时光和他能够利用的机会, like the Pechter Competition. “刚上大学的时候,我不知道自己想做什么. 当我在十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校开始工作时,我突然意识到,商业是我的激情所在. If I was going to do something, I wanted to do it right, 我想尽我所能去做这件事. 一个人可以有一个伟大的想法,但如果他没有激情,它就会失败. 我认为只要我保持激情,做我想做的事, I’m going to be successful.”